Batch files are not dead. Microsoft has said that batch files, and vbscript will be supported into the indefinite future. And I still write an occasional batch file because the really are quick and easy. I use the .CMD extension, instead of .BAT, but it does not really matter in execution.
Recently I was asked to write something that would allow for prestaging a computer account in Active Directory. The code works but is painfully slow. Still, you may find it useful in your environment. You could use it with a FOR command to run it against a list of machines overnight:
@echo off
:: Alan Kaplan, loosely based on
:: ************* mandatory edits here ******************
rem omit LDAP://
set NewPCOU=OU=Windows 7,OU=Test Lab,DC=contoso,DC=com
rem this is the group to grant permission to join
:: ********** end edits ******************************
if %1z == z echo PC Accounts will be added to "%NewPCOU%"
if %1z == z echo Granting permissions to %UserOrGroup%
if %1z == z set /p PCName=Add what computer account? &goto AddPC
set PCName=%1
set ComputerDN=cn=%PCName%,%NewPCOU%
dsadd computer "%ComputerDN%"
Echo Granting Permissions to %UserOrGroup%
REM full control of object. This is really slow ....
dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:GA
REM specific join computer rights
REM This is 6 times slower than full control
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:CALCGRSDDTRC;;
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:WP;description;
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:WP;sAMAccountName;
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:WP;displayName;
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:WP;userAccountControl;
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:WS;"Validated write to service principalname";
REM dsacls "%ComputerDN%" /G %UserOrGroup%:WS;"Validated write to DNS host name";
echo %PCName% added to %NewPCOU%
echo Granted permissions to %UserOrGroup%
echo %NewPCOU%
You will need to edit the script to make it work. I have set it to Full Permissions, but as you can see, you can switch to more granular permissions.