I am working on some scripts which show AD domain controllers by their site. My goal was to have the data combined so that each site has a single row, with the server name and IP address for each site being shown joined by semi-colons.
None of the examples for doing this worked for me. But this did:
#Create Example data $data =@" Site,IP,Server Site1,,Server1a Site1,,Server1b Site1,,Server1c Site2,,Server2a Site2,,Server2b Site2,,Server2c Site3,,Server3a Site3,,Server3b Site3,,Server3c "@ #Convert it to CSV $CSVData = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv #Group and combine for export ($csvdata | Group-Object -Property site -AsHashTable).GetEnumerator() | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ Site = $_.name Servers = $_.Value.server -join ";" IPs = $_.Value.ip -join ";" } } | sort site | Export-Csv "$env:USERPROFILE\desktop\consolidated.csv" -NoTypeInformation