It is faster to get events from the Security log locally then it is remotely. Get-LogonEvents.ps1 gets event 4624 using an XPath syntax query remotely executed with Invoke-Command:
<# This is used to get interactive logon and unlock events from a remote PC Alan Kaplan, 4/14/2020 Public version 12/24/21 #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$ComputerName = $env:Computername ) $Xpath = @" *[System[(EventID='4624')]] and *[EventData[Data[@Name='LogonType'] and (Data=`"2`" or Data=`"7`" or Data=`"10`" or Data=`"11`")]] "@ Write-Host "Getting interactive logon and unlock events from $ComputerName" -ForegroundColor green Try { #run the command on the remote machine for huge speed improvement $events = invoke-command -ErrorAction stop -computername $ComputerName { #Define Logon types $LogonTypes = @{ 2 = "Interactive" 3 = "Network" 4 = "Batch" 5 = "ServiceStart" 7 = "Unlock" 8 = "NetworkCleartext" 9 = "NewCredentials" 10 = "RemoteInteractive" 11 = "CachedInteractive" } $params = @{ ProviderName = 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' FilterXPath = $using:Xpath ErrorAction = 'Stop' } Get-WinEvent @params | ForEach-Object { $dom = [string]$_.Properties[6].value.ToString() $UserName = $dom + '\' + $_.Properties[5].value.ToString() If (($username -inotmatch 'Window Manager') -and ($dom -notmatch ' ') ) { $origin = $_.Properties[18].value if ($origin -in ('::1', '')) { $from = 'Local Logon' } Else { $from = $origin } [PSCustomObject]@{ LogonTime = $_.TimeCreated From = $From UserName = $UserName LogonType = $LogonTypes.Item([int]$_.Properties[8].value) } } } } if ($events.count -eq 0) { Write-Host "No interactive or cached logon events found on $computername" } Else { $events | Where-Object {$_.From -ne '-'} | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty psComputerName, RunspaceID | Out-GridView -Title "Logon Events for $ComputerName. Selected are copied to the clipboard" -PassThru | Set-clipboard } } Catch { Write-Warning $error[0].exception.message Pause }