Get-ScriptVariables.ps1 is my take on a variable inventory script I found on I changed the function name, as Get-Variable already in use, gave a unique name to function variables to exclude, added other system variables, and added example to show current values with enumeration.
Author: Alan
Open Internet Explorer Favorites in PowerShell
Although I am a Waterfox user at home, at work we are limited to using Internet Explorer. Years of dumping things into Favorites has left a mess, and I feel that IE doesn’t provide a good way to organizing Favorites. Open-Favorites.ps1 is a short PowerShell script which finds your Favorites folder, does a recursive search…
Brief Outage Breaks Buttons
I had a brief outage this week which affected the database. When it was repaired, the script download buttons were broken. I am going to try to fix them all, but if I miss one, remember that the same link exists inside the text of the post. The new buttons will prompt you to download…
Auditing Active Directory Permissions with Powershell
Active Directory permissions aren’t easy to audit. It is a lot easier to delegate permissions to a user or a group than it is to figure out later who has what rights on what containers and organizational units. I have taken a few runs at it, including a vbscript version which was terrible. That is…
A GUI Select of Properties for PowerShell Scripts
Updated Version, with pipeline support is here. I have been writing a number of reporting and audit scripts where there are a lot of potential properties that the user might want in the log file or report. It is hard to guess what items that they want in their report or in what order that…
Get List of Computers from Active Directory
Get-ADComputerList.ps1 is pretty simple. It gets a list of all the computers in the domain you specify. Reported are the DNS Name, IP v4 Address, Active Directory Path and OS. A comma delimited log file is written to your desktop.
Minimize File Size Bloat with Excel Pivot Tables
I often work with very large spreadsheet, often more than 30 MB in size. I am an Office user, not an Office expert. A few months ago one of my teammates taught me how to use pivot tables to summarize and present the large data set in a way better than just using filters. The…
PowerShell and .Nessus File Revisited
I previously wrote about processing .Nessus files using Posh-NVS. I found my needs to be a little different from what that project provides, so I decided to take a crack at my own script for reading .Nessus files. Unlike Posh-NVS, it has no modules to install and my Convert-Nessus.ps1 adds the host information onto the…
PowerShell and .Nessus files
Tenable Nessus is a commonly used scanner in the enterprise. The native (version 2) .nessus files which it creates are XML files which contain information about the scan settings, plus the data collected about the hosts. Parsing these files is typically done with a Python script — a Google search yields over 140K results. Looking…
Compare Group Policy Objects
Our Active Directory lead recently complained to me that he didn’t have a good way to compare Group Policy Objects. I had already written the Group Policy Reporter, which exports GPOs to HTML files, and it occurred to me that comparing two HTML files would be pretty easy. But my experiments with Compare-Object led to…