I now must approve new user registrations. I am sorry for the delay this may cause you in posting — but the truth is that I get few posts from users despite some respectable traffic numbers. I added a captcha and a contact form
Author: Alan
Manage Nework Recycle Bin Size
If you redirect the Documents folder (or My Documents on XP) to a network drive, an instance of the Recycle Bin is created on the user’s home directory. And, because the default size for the Recycle Bin is 10% of available space, you can end up with a huge amount of space chewed up by…
Windows 8 and 10: Change Network Connection Profile From Public To Private
Did you accidentally set you home network connection profile to “Public”? Windows 8 and 10 have an easy way to change it to “Private” using PowerShell. First, you must open PowerShell as an administrator. If you’ve never run PowerShell before, you need to permit the running of commands on your system. The command for this…
Convert data from Get-ADUser and Get-ADComputer for Export-CSV
If you have been following my blog, you know that I am an experienced vbscripter, but am relatively new to PowerShell. I was excited that my long vbscripts to export data from Active Directory would be now one liners which I could send to a CSV file with the Export-CSV cmdlet. Unfortunately, I found that…
List Inactive Computers with PowerShell
This script, InactiveComputers.ps1, creates a list of inactive computers using Get-ADComputer. It uses Output-GridView (PowerShell 3) to navigate AD to select an OU to search, and will prompt you for the number of days since the computer last changed its password, recorded in passwordlastset.
Batch File to Prestage a Computer Account
Batch files are not dead. Microsoft has said that batch files, and vbscript will be supported into the indefinite future. And I still write an occasional batch file because the really are quick and easy. I use the .CMD extension, instead of .BAT, but it does not really matter in execution. Recently I was asked…
Upgrade to PowerShell 3 (or 4)
If you are running Windows 7 and have not yet upgraded to PowerShell 3, do it now. The installation files are here. I use Output-GridView all the time, and PS3 cuts the DCOM strings. Here is an article that explains the changes from PS2 for both versions, and another that describes the version 3 changes.. …
BotNet Users Dumped
I have deleted a large number of users that apparently have been added by botnets. I apologize, gentle reader, if your account was inadvertently deleted during this process. I have created a new logon link — you will find it on the right side in the links panel.
OU AD Path to Clipboard Using Out-Gridview
OUADSPath2Clip.ps1 is the PowerShell version of OUADSPath2Clip.vbs. What I found difficult about this script was coming up with a fast way to navigate a large Active Directory structure. The AD navigation bit uses Output-GridView for selecting a domain. This requires RSAT (see previous post for more). It is a clumsier interface than treeview, but it is…
PowerShell GPO Reporter
Over the past few months I have been spending more and more time working with PowerShell. I have gone to Windows 8 on my personal laptop, and am impressed by PowerShell 3.0. I have joined the Charlotte PowerShell User’s Group which meets monthly at the Charlotte Microsoft Campus. The Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, together with his…