The Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy cmdlet in the GroupPolicy module of PowerShell has a parameter for a user name. Often I have no idea who has logged onto the computer. Get-RSOP.ps1 uses WMI to give you a pick list of users on the remote computer and then passes that to the user parameter of Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy.
Tag: GPO
How to Edit the Path for Shares and Printers inside a GPO
Here is the unsupported method from Microsoft for editing the path for shares and printers inside a GPO. From a server — 1) Backup the problem GPO to your desktop 2) Edit the gpreport.xml and backup.xml files 3) Import the edited GPO The engineer said if you have to do both, update the path for…
Compare Group Policy Objects
Our Active Directory lead recently complained to me that he didn’t have a good way to compare Group Policy Objects. I had already written the Group Policy Reporter, which exports GPOs to HTML files, and it occurred to me that comparing two HTML files would be pretty easy. But my experiments with Compare-Object led to…
PowerShell GPO Reporter
Over the past few months I have been spending more and more time working with PowerShell. I have gone to Windows 8 on my personal laptop, and am impressed by PowerShell 3.0. I have joined the Charlotte PowerShell User’s Group which meets monthly at the Charlotte Microsoft Campus. The Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, together with his…
GPO Reporter HTA
This HTA (gporeporter) allows you to export GPO settings into HTML files. This is a good way to document and to search GPO settings. Requires the Group Policy Management Console, you will be prompted to install it if necessary. Note: The GPMC does not work with Windows 7. Update: 6/10/13: I have published a PowerShell…