You don’t have to rely on the Group Policy Module to resolve the display name of a GPO from the GUID, or the GUID from the display name. Here are two short functions that will get that information from Active Directory. The first will return the GPO displayname attribute from a GUID. The GUID (sometimes…
Tag: PowerShell
Undelete-ADObject.ps1 is a GUI form based script for undeleting user, computer, group, print queue, and contacts from Active Directory. You can display all of the objects of the selected type, or search by the name. I use this script frequently. It has a test mode, plus logging.
Sort Clipboard Text with PowerShell
Sort-ClipText.ps1 reads the text in your clipboard, sorts it, and creates a new sorted item in your clipboard. Note that the split statement is a regular expression. The pipe character represents the logical OR. I also used splitstringoptions to remove the empty lines after sorting. (Get-ClipBoardText).tostring().Split(“`r`n|`r|`n”,[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
Export to Textbox with Out-TextBox
Out-TextBox.ps1 is an advanced function which outputs object to a resizable text box for display. Not much more I can say about it, except that you can copy the text in the box.
Get-ADSystemInfo – Wrapping the ADSystemInfo ComObject
When I was writing in vbscript, I often used the ADSystemInfo ComObject. It is a quick and easy way to get these properties: Current user’s distinguished name, Current computer’s distinguished name, the site name, the Domain short (NetBIOS) Name, the domain DNSName, the forest DNSName, the PDC Role Owner, the Schema Role Owner, and whether…
Add-WindowsFeature Alternative for Client OS
Waiting for the add remove features dialog populate on my client OS computer is slow. Since I started using Add-WindowsFeature wither Server 2008, and Install-WindowsFeature beginning with Server 2012, I was disappointed by the lack of a similar cmdlet for Windows 10. Unfortunately, Add/Install-WindowsFeature relies on ServerManager — which doesn’t exist on a workstation. The…
Export and Import Delegated OU Permissions with PowerShell
There are some delegations of permissions within Active Directory which cannot be made without extra effort. Some properties are flagged as hidden in a file called Dssec.dat, in %windir%\System32 on computers with the Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) MMC. Dssec.dat is a hidden text file that can be viewed and modified with Notepad. When…
Get and Read RDP Certificate from a Remote Host with PowerShell
Sometimes, I get some interesting questions from other teams within my organization. Read-RDPCert.ps1 addresses a request to read the SSL certificates from a list of remote hosts. This is based on the code and following comments at
Enable New User Mailboxes with PowerShell
Mail enabling new users should be easy to do from within the Exchange management console. If you are in a really large organization, you soon discover that it is painfully slow. When we create new users it takes time to replicate to Exchange, so we don’t mail enable new users upon creation. Making matters worse…
Drag and Drop Form for Powershell
Get-DragAndDrop.ps1 is drag and drop PowerShell form is based on All the interesting coding bits were written by Dan. I modified the script to make it an advanced function which has parameters for the form title, instructions, status and button title. The default form looks like this: